Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Thought This Blog Was About Me?

Mommy co-opted the blog momentarily, but now I'm back :)

In other news, I went to the doctor on Monday for some more shots - it was a little harder than last time, though, because I got stuck TWICE and had to drink some nasty liquid. But I recovered quickly and haven't had any reactions - I'm a tough little cookie. Or maybe it's because I'm about 14 lbs?? Anyway...

I saw Lyla in her Bumbo Chair, and I made mommy and daddy go buy one right away!

Mommy also finally bought a pump, and she was so excited about it. I, on the other hand, was not. Even though this picture looks like I'm taking the bottle, just to be clear, I'm not. And I don't intend to for the near future. Ssshhh...don't tell mommy that!

My room is slowly, FINALLY getting done, and daddy put some pretty flowers up on the wall for me.

Uncle Jim also came to visit me this weekend! I liked him a lot.

Tomorrow we're heading to Ohio for a long visit over the Fourth of July, and I'm going to meet my Great Grandma and Grandpa Koch, Great Aunt Susie, and Cousin Ashley for the first time! Mommy and daddy are nervous about the car ride...I'll let you know how it goes when we get back :)


1 comment:

  1. Yay for Bumbo chairs! Lyla is also 14 lbs....haha. We need to get these baby girls together!
