Monday, May 2, 2011

The Money Pit?

When mom and dad first saw their closet, they got excited about eventually putting in a customized storage system.

Then, the other night as I blistfully slept...

Mom got the daylights scared out of her as the closet came crashing down! Another project for dad ;)

It reminds dad of this scene from the classic movie "The Money Pit."

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cora,

    The joys of home ownership! Daddy and Mommy want you to have a beautiful house to live in and be proud of. In anyone's life, there are always "problems". I like to call these "LIFE LESSONS"!!! It's all a matter of perspective. You can either see your sippy cup as half-full or half-empty. I hope you always see it as overflowing!

    Oh....and be on the lookout for a package this week! There is something in there for you. When mommy or daddy reads it to you, you will recognize it as the song I was singing to you this past weekend. That will be our little song we sing! Love you lots, Sunshine!

    Aunt Stephy
